Welcome to TRY To Remember

*Please note, this website is still in the development stage and not all features are currently working. Please check back shortly.*


We are a voluntary group of passionate rugby players, desperate to ensure that the memories of the clubs and player who are no longer with us are never forgotten.

Funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and Bidgley Power Foundation, TRY To Remember was a project brought about by a couple of players who questioned why it was so difficult to get games these days. Dwindling player numbers? Transport issues? Or the fact that many teams folded whether it be selling of the grounds, swallowed up by bigger teams, or difficulties in recruiting the new blood.

With this in mind, we decided to identify the reasons these teams disappeared and documented their history and the next steps whatever they may have been.

This is not a closed project and we welcome all contributions from across the region whether it is just memories from Birmingham or further afield.

We want to document the history of all the clubs in Birmingham therefore will be adding clubs both past and present to ensure that no ones history is forgotten.

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